Monday, April 16, 2007

Laughter & Improvement

Before I get started, if you're looking for a good laugh and a few helpful hints to prepare for your next race, visit and scroll down a short way to the first post by JakeKnight. I laughed and laughed. So even if you are looking for helpful hints on running a race, you should read through a few of his "tips".

Ok, now for the update. Over the weekend I ran 8 miles and maintained a 10:15 pace! Go Me! I was very happy with this and the run overall was very good. The night before, I had a streaker from Moe's Southwestern Grill. It was GREAT fuel and will probably become a staple for Friday nights.

Today was my second magic mile and the weather was far from optimal. It was a chilly 50 degrees with a strong wind, but none the less, I dropped 45sec off my time!!! I ran an 8:06. Pinal ran a 7:30 while Irfan managed a 6:49! Everyone cut their times by quite a bit. All these long runs are paying off and we're thrilled.

Time to get some rest so I can keep running...good night!

1 comment:

Peter said...

I was going to say something like 'should you be running your long run at race pace?'

But I can't talk...

Carry on.