Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Passion to Go Long!

The workouts I enjoy most are not the short runs or quick swims; I enjoy the ones that push me to get stronger, mentally and physically. I am driven to go long and I love it! This past week I biked for almost 3 hours and then ran 3 miles. It felt great!

Last week I learned a very important lesson. Ok, I learned many important lessons. The first, being fit to your bike is not a luxury but rather a necessity! Nutrition is not optional; workouts are 10x better if you eat right before, during and after. Mental endurance is key for improvement. You must be able to stay focused and push yourself even when you are tired and want to stop. I know there will be times during the Ironman when I will want to stop, but I will never question why I am there or what I am doing. Mentally my will is strong and not finishing a race never crosses my mind. The real question is how long will it take if I keep walking. So I will have a plan to run again. During the swim there's not much option about stopping and the same is true on the bike. Besides, if you put the time in on the bike, you will finish the bike. It's the marathon at the end of 114.4 miles that you have to worry about. I can always walk, but that's one heck of a walk :) I plan on running most of it to finish it faster.

The bike fit that Steve at Plan B did for me on Friday night was awesome! He's fantastic! He moved my seat forward and down and lowered my handle bars to make me more comfortable and more efficient and it all paid off. There's quite a science to it and he was busy measuring angles, pointing lasers to check alignment and so forth. Anyway, on my usual Saturday ride everyone noticed the difference. I received several compliments on how much better I looked on the bike and how much more power I now have. And, on the sprint back from the lighthouse, I wasn't even huffing and puffing like last week. It was great!

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